Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I have always loved words. When I tell someone I love a song, it's most likely because the words are poetry. So of course, I love books. A well written book that can hold my attention, make me want to stay up all to see what happens next. A book with characters whom I picture in my mind and hear them speak. A book that totally takes me away from everything and everyone!

It is hard to say what book is my favorite. It's one of those "in the moment" things. I just finished The Sparrow so that is my current favorite. If I am pinned down and have to name just one (so unfair; it's like picking your favorite child!), it would be The Dark Tower the last in Steven King's series. I was seriously upset when I finished this book and knew that there will be no more Roland or Susannah or Eddie Dean! It was like losing old friends! But now I do have something to look forward to as Marvel Comics is putting the series in comic book form! This may inspire me to join my daughter and her fiance in their relentless pursuit of entire overlapping series of comic books!

As you can see by the list on the right of my blog, I'm a fairly eclectic reader. I love British humor (if I could have lunch with a famous person, it would be Terry Prachett, although I would probably totally embarrass myself!). The Discworld series is the funniest, smartest fantasy fiction I have ever read! And you don't have to start from the beginning. As Prachett says, "...well, it's like this. If you started watching Star Trek halfway through the series you probably wondered why one guy had pointy ears. But since you liked what you saw, you probably let the question ride for now and just got on with enjoying the show."

I seldom read chick lit. Wait...I never read chick lit. And I have a hard time with classical literature. I think that's because I was an English major in college and was so saturated with "good books" that I never wanted to pick another up again!

So that's it. That's how I feel about some books. And some authors. I read to escape. And there are many escape routes form this wonderful life of mine!


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